The Great Prank War.
Developer: Aquiris Game StudioRole: QA Tester
Platform: iOS/Android/Web
Date: 2014
About the game.
Help Mordecai and Rigby use their newly learned pranking techniques to battle the bad guys and take back the park. Build prank machines and unlock special abilities to help you in your quest!
My work in this project.
During The Great Prank War development, my role as tester merged a little with the role of game designer. I partned with the game main GD to create a better workflow to test game balance and plan good metrics for playtests. Along with developers, we designed a simple spreadsheet and log files to extract useful gameplay information. This semi-automated approach improved our workflow and helped game designers to focus on what's important: game design. One bug that I'll always remember (mostly because developers still can't believe that I found this kind of bug) is the one where the player could play with overpowered unlockable characters too early in the game by holding the character and sliding his finger to the play button. Developers verified if a character could be used only on button press, not on hold, so it never occured to them that a player would do such a thing.